Today I couldn't decide what I wanted to write about, I didn't have any outfit of the day photo's, I'm still working on hair tutorials and what not, and I haven't had any thrifting or antiquing hauls in awhile. So I thought to myself, "how do I kind of introduce myself to the blogging community with photos that are all ready to go and describe who I am?" And then it came to me... Dapper Day at Disneyland!
For all the followers that I have had for years now know that I have had a vintage inspired style since I was in 8th grade and that I just ADORE disney. So you could just imagine my reaction to when I found out that there was such a thing where you get all the magic of disney with all the class of the past. Do you know what I am talking about? That's right DAPPER DAY! If you've never been to a Dapper Day but are toying with the idea of going, here are some of my favorite things about the day...
Well let me start of by saying that I already love dressing up for disney when I get the chance to visit. I just personally feel more comfortable in a dress with a vintage do and it is something that I feel helps me stand out in a crowd full of people. But enough about me! Dapper day is a day where what started as just a group of people but later turned into a mass of people, dress up (generally in vintage attire) to bring Disneyland back to it's humble beginnings so that you feel like you just stepped into the 1950's. No, you do not have to dress up in vintage or specifically in the 1950s, you can just wear something you believe is dressy or whatever decade may tickle your fancy, but in my opinion why not go for the gusto? It's something I believe is fun for the soul. There is just something about vintage attire that instantly bumps up your confidence and instantly makes you behave more elegantly and even more friendly. Not only that but I've noticed when I put more effort into my outfit I get treated with an out pour of kindness, which in a way isn't necessarily something that should be okay... but that's a different blog post all on it's own. Everyone at Dapper Day is so friendly and constantly commenting on how much they like your outfit which is always a great conversation starter.
Along with all the compliments and friendly hello's there are special dapper day events going on throughout the day. Unfortunately my friends and I have never been able to make it to those events due to just heading to anaheim later in the day because of work and getting ready. From what I've seen they have a special little store where you can buy cute little souvenirs like fans and pins to remind you of that special day. This is usually held in the Grand Californian Hotel, I believe, which is accessible through California Adventure for everyone even when not staying in the hotel. They also have special picture events going on throughout the day where everyone meets up in front of the castle and on the Mark Twain river boat where everyone can Ooo and ahhh at each others outfits while looking out onto the park. Like I said before, we have never been able to do this but this upcoming Dapper Day will definitely be jammed pack with all of their special events.
Not only are there events going on inside the park, but they also have some going on outside the park. From what I've read they also have pre and post dapper day parties going on which you can find more information on any Dapper Day site. Now for the outfit picture portion...
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I Had gone for a more 1920's inspired look for my first Dapper Day outfit thinking I could possibly still stand out amongst all the great vintage looks. |
Ali (far left) went for a classic 1950's inspired outfit, Alexis (middle) went for a early 1960's Breakfast At Tiffany's look, and Kaylee (far right) went for an early 1960's look. |
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It was so hot that day... we spent like half the day just sitting in the Animation Academy to cool off. |
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For the second Dapper Day we went to I decided to do a Snow White inspired hairdo and what I imagined her to wear in the 1950's without being too literal with her color scheme. |
I chose a pastel colored dress with tons of flowers to bring Snow White's softness and innocence. |
Probably my favorite photo of Ali and I EVER. |
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Ali wore an adorable 1950's inspired outfit that was casual yet very put together. I absolutely love it! |
Everyone we went to Dapper day with, they were all so much fun! |
So here are some tips: 1. Be prepared for a hot day when it comes to the fall soiree. It can still be a tad hot here in SoCal in september, so just check the weather for that week to pack properly.
2. WHERE COMFORTABLE SHOES, I cannot stress this enough if you are staying all day. Both days my friends and I only spent half the day there so it was bearable wearing heels. Either wear a cute pair of vintage flats or invest in really good heels that are comfortable for all day use.
3. Depending on your money situation, try and bring snacks. If you don't have a whole bunch of money to be spending then bring some fruit, veggies, and granola bars and do bring money for meals. (comment to let me know if you want a blog post on where to eat at disneyland for getting the most bang for your buck.)
4. Bring some travel beauty essentials like bobby pins, a comb or collapsable brush, mirror, makeup for touchups, and napkins or oil blotters.
5. Try to pack as light as possible. I know it's hard for us girls but it is possible.
6. If you want an amazing vintage look but don't know how to get it they have professionals come in the Grand Californian that style you from head to toe to make you look absolutely classically fabulous. (or you can just wait for some of my tutorials to get an idea of how to style your hair and what not)
7. If you want to stay at the park they do give special discounts on the Grand Californian hotel and Disneyland Resort hotel for any dapper day guests. My girls and I will definitely be doing this for the next Soiree.
8. Last but most definitely not least, DRINK LOTS OF WATER. The last thing you want to do is pass out when at the park. They have water fountains everywhere and allow you to bring in water bottles and if you want to keep your packing light, here is a tip within a tip: you can go to any restaurant and ask for a cup of ice water and they will give it to you for free. For free?! Yes, for FREEEEEEE!
For this next dapper day I hope you all join the Soiree and I will definitely be there classing it up with the girls!
I hope this blog post was helpful and if you have any questions for me or any specific blog posts you would like me to write about let me know in the comment box below! Remember that you are a beautifully unique and have so much to offer the world!
Till Next Time My Darlings,
Paige Virginia